The Christian Prepper, OMG!

Okay, sorry about the title, but talking to other believers do you get that “eye-roll” thing going on?  You, are prepping!  Well, yes I am.

Isn’t it a bit faithless to prep?  Why no, why would anyone think that?  That is a silly statement, just the opposite.  God will take care of his own won’t he?  Hmmmm, what do you mean?  God takes care of those that “redeem the time” and make use of the opportunity, the space, the time, between now and a time of disaster.

Someone put up a photo of Noah as the first prepper, and by golly he may just have been.   Prophetically he was called on to warn the people of the impending disaster, but practically his words fell on deaf ears.  Eight folks, including him and the Mrs. that’s it.  So, preppers join the ranks of such stalwarts as Noah, not bad company.

glock-21My own son came in from college and discovered I had purchased a handgun for personal protection along with the ammo to back it up.  He said, where is Jesus in all this?  Great question son.  Son, have you been watching the news lately, why no, not much, quite busy with class schedules, extracurricular activities and working plus my social life, worship team, work, etc, etc….  I know son, you are busy.

Son, are you familiar with the term “armed home invasion”.  I’ve been hearing about this repeatedly.  Certainly you have seen the media frenzy about new gun control laws?  Have you ever considered what it might be like to be caught in a situation where innocent unarmed people are gunned down in ‘gun free zones’ like your college?  You remember the two students gunned down on your own college campus a couple years ago, both died?  So, I decided to protect myself, only to find I cannot carry a gun legally in my own state without a license.  It is against the law!

So, here is where Jesus is in all this?  Who do you think motivated me to protect my own family and myself?  I guarantee, God is all “for the righteous”, we belong to him.  So, you will ask, about turning the other cheek, I know that scripture.  When a person is murdering innocent people right in front of me, that line will have already been irrevocably crossed.  Murder is a capital offense.  Thou shall not kill, applies to law abiding citizens of Earth and heaven.  If we can keep some one from murdering innocents, should we?  I say yes.  It’s a decision.

Armed home invasions also carry the threat of death upon the victims if they do not cooperate.  They, not I, will be the one to cross over the line.  They better hope they are not armed should they kick in my door.  I’m prepared, I’m ready.  If they survive, then we will sit down and have a little chat about JESUS.  Otherwise Jesus has a place all prepared for them, they will be warm as toast.

Be Prepared, or Else!