Maineprepper reads his novel online- The Walls Came Tumbling Down

The Walls Come Tumbling Down, G.E. Lawrence, aka Maineprepper

Free E-Novel back online:

Maineprepper of recently restored his video reading of his book, and e-novel, The Walls Come Tumbling Down.  Below find a list of links to each chapter of his free online reading.  I suggest you visit his channel on YouTube and become a subscriber.  On the right hand side of his MAIN PAGE you will see numerous links including a couple of ways he offers this novel for sale.  He encourages you to download the MP3’s but tells of his copyright and requirements for use.  You can’t sell it is the BLUF or make a profit, in any way, bottom line up front.  Hope you enjoy this LINK MENU to The Walls Come Tumbling Down, hosted on and written and read by G.E. Lawrence, aka Maineprepper .


Chapter 1  (I could not find a title?)

Chapter 2  Wounded

Chapter 3  Neighbors

Chapter 4  Posted

Chapter 5  On Foot

Chapter 6  Fishing

Chapter 7  (I could not find chapter seven link?)

Chapter 8  Adopted

Chapter 9  Predators

Chapter 10  The Decision

Chapter 11  Survive, Escape, and Evade

Chapter 12  Up Close

Chapter 13  Takedown

Chapter 14  The Exodus

Chapter 15  Bacon

Chapter 16  The Nomads

Chapter 17  Tracks

Chapter 18  Sinking Ships

Chapter 19  Captured

Chapter 20  Leaves in the Wind

Chapter 21  Samuri

Chapter 22  Manifest Destiny

Chapter 23  Sparks

Chapter 24  Justice

Chapter 25  Garcon

Chapter 26  Guerillas in the Mist

Chapter 27  Valkyrie

Chapter 28  Genesis

Click here to listen to the entire playlist:

Being unfamiliar with all YouTube features, I include this link which may put the channel in a mode to play one right after another.  I just wanted a listing menu so I could go listen to Maineprepper where I left off.  Thanks Maineprepper for the intriguing novel.  Excellent work.  Maybe this list will help other viewers find their place.  Also, on his channel there are a couple ways you can purchase the book, check on the right side of the main page.

Link to Maineprepper Channel on Youtube:

Old Farmer’s Advice – Inspiration

Old Farmer’s Advice:

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.

Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.

Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.

Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.

Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.

Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.

Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.

It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.

You cannot unsay a cruel word.

Every path has a few puddles.

When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

The best sermons are lived, not preached.

Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.

Don’t judge folks by their relatives.

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.

Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.

Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.

Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.

Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.

If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight,
he’ll just kill you.

Assault Weapons proposed legislation 2013

Link to the document cloud. Click to the left on this line.

There you go, read it for yourself.  February 28, 2013.

feinstein-automatic-weapons-ban-2013-summary  Or Click to the left on this line.

This copy stored on

Pop Gun

Pop Gun  Here is a link to many of the most recent mass shootings in the USA.  Some of the guns and ammo are identified along with the particulars of each incident.

Ever hear of Microstamping?  It traces guns back to the last legal purchaser.  Not many states use this technology.


US Marine Corps ILBE Main Rucksack, plus Smaller PiggyBack Day Pack


“Serviceable Condition” 

Ha ha, don’t know why I posted this but am bidding on one right now and wanted to save the info.

So it’s to share too.  I find these on Ebay and of all places, Amazon.

I bought one of the smaller day pack, some call assault pack for 17.50 and six bucks ship.

Not bad on shipping from California to Arkansas, ever wonder why the post office is broke?

Just kidding.  So, we will see how good the small pack is when it arrives.

Just missed the bid last night for $33 on this main ILBE complete with lid, straps, waist belt and radio pouch.

Shipping was another $17, so fifty bucks used.

DONE:  on Amazon, I bought the ILBE main pack, with straps, lid, and waist belt, 42 plus 12 ship, $54!

Now we will see what I get.   tick tock tick tock, is UPS here yet!


User interface, padded shoulder straps, padded lumbar and waist strap, chest strap. Very compartmentalized, place for wadder bladder and tube. Zippers access sides and contents.

All packs will be 100% in serviceable condition, the pictures represent a general pack that I have. Whether you are looking for a hiking pack, a bugout bag, or just a good pack to store some items in, for the price when compared to the durability and functionality of these packs you won’t be able to find another pack out there that compares.

The idea of ILBE is to more easily configure the pack for the mission at hand and to maximize the mobility, survivability, and lethality of the Marine in combat environments. The feature mentioned above, the ability to carry heavy equipment in the external pack, is augmented with the ability to carry 120 pounds as required in intense operations.

The ILBE is currently the most advanced military backpack in use by the U.S. Military today.

Made with Cordura 720 denier fabric
Large 4500 cu in. main sack
Designed to carry up to 120lbs
Zippered access to main pack on both sides
A side pocket on each side
Includes: Main pack / Straps / Padded Belt / Lid
Retail Value NEW $500

***This pack is a serviceable pack: This condition means it might have small wear holes, maybe a small tear or broken buckle but the main buckle for securing the pack will be functional. Pack will show signs of use and fading in color. The pack could possibly need a little cleaning. These packs are $500 new and I will not send you a pack that you wont be able to use for a long time to come. Pack could have writing with the soldiers name. ***


The tail end shows all kinds of bells and whistles. Not shown are the tie at the top, sort of like a duffle bag, and top cover, makes it rain resistant.

More Detailed Description From ILBE PACK :

In 2004 mass production started on the ILBE Packs (Improved Load Bearing Equipment) to replace the heavier MOLLE Packs (Modular Light Load Carrying Equipment) and was specially designed for the US Marines to provide durable lightweight means of transporting clothing textiles and equipment. There are 2 Generations of this pack. The Gen. I pack has the black padding and features and the Gen. II pack has the coyote brown padding and features. Both were produced in the Digital Woodland MarPat (Marine Pattern).

The ILBE Pack is designed to carry a load of up to 120lbs but at the same time it distributes the weight so it is comfortable to wear. The key features to the packs comfort is in it’s internal frame with 2 metal ribs on the outer sides and 2 larger spars in the middle. These spars are already shaped to fit most peoples backs but can be custom bent if need be.

Next the pack includes soft padding on both the hip bet and shoulder straps. With the wide hip belt it displaces the weight around your body with less pressure points. Both straps can be adjusted to custom fit your body and has a breast strap that can be raised or lowered to fit both men and women.

To keep the pack snug to your body you will find several compression straps along each side. These can be adjusted for different size loads and keeps your gear in place throughout your hike. Both sides of the pack also includes pockets which makes a nice rest when carrying longer items such as trek poles or holds extra water bottles. You will also find heavy duty zippers on both sides for access to your gear in the main compartment.


Main Pack, plus smaller day pack, which also has shoulder straps, waist strap, and top grab handle. MARPAT stands for marine pattern.

The back of the pack offers the ability to customize your pack with MOLLE accessories by using the MOLLE webbing and includes a compartment to help hold a hydration system or the ILBE Assault Pack which can be buckled down and tightened to keep in place. If you choose not to use the Hydration compartment or are strapping a larger MOLLE accessory to the back you can roll down this flap and snap it in place.

The main compartment is protected by a corded dust cover and can also be clipped closed. Opening up the main compartment you can see it provides storage to hold enough gear for a multi-day adventure. It provides the option to hold longer items or you can split it into to compartments with a center flap. With the zippers on both sides you are still able to access the bottom without pulling everything out from the top.

Gotta get me one of these…  I already ordered the smaller day pack or as some call it assault pack. Day pack or piggyback is good enough, I’m no Marine.

Smaller self contained day pack, piggybacks onto the main pack.

Smaller self contained day pack, piggybacks onto the main pack.
Some call it the assault pack.
It has a full set of shoulder straps, a chest strap, and a waist strap.
Plus it has a grab and carry handle on the very top.

Okay, just found a site with all kinds of info on this ILBE, called

Here is a link to a PDF on that site explaining the rucksack main pack, and the smaller day pack they call an assault pack.

Link to ILBE PDF main pack owner’s manual.

Link to ILBE manual on how to care for the pack system.

Here is a link to the main site, and they appear to sell this stuff too, and put up videos related to it.  Great job.

Thoughts from a Prepper, Bill Boetcker

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
You cannot build character and courage by destroying men’s initiative and independence.
And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.

William J. H. Boetcker, 1873 to 1962,

Prepper, Presbyterian minister, and motivational speaker.

The Christian Prepper, OMG!

Okay, sorry about the title, but talking to other believers do you get that “eye-roll” thing going on?  You, are prepping!  Well, yes I am.

Isn’t it a bit faithless to prep?  Why no, why would anyone think that?  That is a silly statement, just the opposite.  God will take care of his own won’t he?  Hmmmm, what do you mean?  God takes care of those that “redeem the time” and make use of the opportunity, the space, the time, between now and a time of disaster.

Someone put up a photo of Noah as the first prepper, and by golly he may just have been.   Prophetically he was called on to warn the people of the impending disaster, but practically his words fell on deaf ears.  Eight folks, including him and the Mrs. that’s it.  So, preppers join the ranks of such stalwarts as Noah, not bad company.

glock-21My own son came in from college and discovered I had purchased a handgun for personal protection along with the ammo to back it up.  He said, where is Jesus in all this?  Great question son.  Son, have you been watching the news lately, why no, not much, quite busy with class schedules, extracurricular activities and working plus my social life, worship team, work, etc, etc….  I know son, you are busy.

Son, are you familiar with the term “armed home invasion”.  I’ve been hearing about this repeatedly.  Certainly you have seen the media frenzy about new gun control laws?  Have you ever considered what it might be like to be caught in a situation where innocent unarmed people are gunned down in ‘gun free zones’ like your college?  You remember the two students gunned down on your own college campus a couple years ago, both died?  So, I decided to protect myself, only to find I cannot carry a gun legally in my own state without a license.  It is against the law!

So, here is where Jesus is in all this?  Who do you think motivated me to protect my own family and myself?  I guarantee, God is all “for the righteous”, we belong to him.  So, you will ask, about turning the other cheek, I know that scripture.  When a person is murdering innocent people right in front of me, that line will have already been irrevocably crossed.  Murder is a capital offense.  Thou shall not kill, applies to law abiding citizens of Earth and heaven.  If we can keep some one from murdering innocents, should we?  I say yes.  It’s a decision.

Armed home invasions also carry the threat of death upon the victims if they do not cooperate.  They, not I, will be the one to cross over the line.  They better hope they are not armed should they kick in my door.  I’m prepared, I’m ready.  If they survive, then we will sit down and have a little chat about JESUS.  Otherwise Jesus has a place all prepared for them, they will be warm as toast.

Be Prepared, or Else!

Lights Out – Fires n Flames, Lights On


One of my favorite YouTube Preppers, Maineprepper, loves the term Lights Out.  He uses it when referring to a SHTF or WROL situation, when the lights go out.  This post is a bit about light too.  Here you see some real antiques I came up with over the years.  I retrieved one from my old desktop computer hutch, the other from my son’s decor in his bathroom.  We dusted them off, kerosene’d them up and lit the wicks.  Fifteen minutes later I could barely breathe.  I don’t care if the fuel says Indoor or Outdoor, you will choke if you are sensitive to chemicals as I am.  Cough, cough.  Enough of that, crack a window get some ventilation or bear the burning eyes and smelly environs.  Walmart gets you for the Lamp Oil, seven bucks, I’m looking for an alternate source for fuel.

In the photo you will see a few other items, 91 percent isopropyl alcohol to fire my coffee roaster in lights out.  I have to make it first.  Next you can’t miss the dull seven dollar Walmart machete.  I doubt it’s ability to chop much until I get the blade in better shape, nothing fancy, cheap handle, looking for a paracord wrap and that might help.  Then you see the DAK ham, one pound and I’m excited mainly due to it’s shelf life four years in that can and not too bad four bucks.  I’m going to try it soon before stocking up.  Another item I just purchased is Armour Tamales canned and it has a two or three year shelf life.  No WROL in two years, these rations move one a month to the kitchen and get replenished with new stock for another two years.  Just keep our mouths shut and no one need even know we are prepping.  GRIN!  Don’t you just love the asinine remarks and dumb looks?  ahem.


Okay, in keeping with the Lights Out theme, here we have a four dollar sterno Emergency Candle, guaranteed to burn 55 hours.  It was in the camping section.  For the same money you can get six little candles that burn nine hours each.  But I wasn’t satisfied and found over in the candle section, with all the fragrant eight dollar candles a three dollar unscented candle for three bucks.  I trimmed the wicks and what you see on top is 45 minutes of minimal lighting, about the same light you get from a night light, 4 to 7 watts.  But it’s light.

Also in this picture sugar for breakfast rice and coffee.  For flames I have butane lighters, wind resistant butane log lighters, box of kitchen matches in a factory cellophane cover, and gopher matches which I put ten per baggie to keep them dry, 20 matches each or 200 chances to get something lit.  The regular boxes have 300 count.  I look at matches like ammo, you can’t have too much.  Bags of rice, no explanation needed, except I am choosing brown rice these days for some reason.  Oh, had lunch with two kids yesterday, one ordered two bowls of macaroni and cheese, hence the obligatory boxes in prepping.

Be Prepared, or Else!

Be Prepared, or Else.  It’s not a threat, more of a challenge, a mild warning, and why not, what’s wrong with preparing for a day which may overtake us unprepared.  Obviously our resources are limited, but we can do something, that might just make a little difference in our lives and lives of those we love and care about.  It’s about surviving, making it through, reaching the other side of an unknown disaster in good shape.  Besides, being prepared can bring you some peace of mind that will be lacking for so many who chose:  to do nothing.