The End of America


Okay, now I would like to scare the wits out of you via my new friend and fellow-thinker Stefan Molyneux.  He will win you over with facts and figures, but entertain you with the occasional humorous wit of his.  He is a brilliant man and well, let him tell you about:  The End of America – There Will Be No Economic Recovery, Prepare Accordingly  it’s on his Youtube Channel.  Don’t get distracted with all his other interests, this one video is what I am pointing you to as directly as I can.  It’s an hour long and worth investing your time to listen in, please do, then prepare accordingly.

Be prepared, or else, Bruce

Read this First Prepper


BE PREPARED or else!

Read this First, Prepper ?, Economic Collapse ?, SHTF ?, WROL ?, Stefan Molyneux ?, MainePrepper ?, Hickock45 ?, Peter Schiff  ? 


Okay, no, this is not about scouting, but that’s where I learned this motto folks.  Today I want to introduce three people:  1 Maineprepper, aka G. E. Lawrence from, 2 Stefan Molyneux, and  3Peter Schiff.  They are: 1 a professional soldier and prepper who claims to be also a Christian, 2 a philosopher and atheist/ libertarian, and 3 a financial guru.  Inadvertently I introduce a former police officer and school teacher? (he works at a school, not sure of his position, maybe he’s a resource officer?)  that is Hickock45.


I don’t know how I found Maineprepper, but his channel on YouTube is as good as anything available regarding prepping.  So, what is prepping?  Prepping is the idea of becoming aware of negative situations we Americans find ourselves facing and making progress toward preparing for what is viewed as an almost certain eventuality.  Find MainePrepper here:

He has 251 videos currently, 26,000 plus subscribers, and over two million views.  

Prepping is Getting Ready.  Prepping is surviving.  I think I found Maineprepper by viewing firearm reviews by a guy also on YouTube named Hickock45. 120 million views Hickock45, aka Mr. Glock, that’s a bunch of views.


Just one of those random clicks off on the right hand side of the page I clicked on and watched.  Turns out that there are many people on YouTube quite passionate about the Second Amendment and their firearms, who knew?  Maineprepper who wrote a book and I think his last name is Lawrence, (I was right) but I might be wrong, if so I’ll come back and do a correction here.

Maineprepper is all about prepping, being ready for “lights out” or SHTF or WROL, shoot hits the fan or without rule of law.  And, he is a twenty five year veteran and once a Marine, later re-enlists in the Armyat age 46.  Main thing though, he sees stuff coming down the pike and is preparing for those eventualities.  Firearms, gear reviews, political action regarding the second amendment, surviving, avoidance, homesteading, raising chickens and eggs, and other such stuff, and his ideas will make you think.  He has a loyal YouTube following.  Make a comment and you will meet folks right away that think Maineprepper is a worthy leader of the prepper movement.


In the news I discover Peter Schiff.  Peter was one of those talking heads types you see on television news commenting on current events especially this Fall and election cycle he was brought in as a Fiscal Cliff expert.  He had quite a no-nonsense headful of knowledge and was quite an adept articulator of the points that needed to be made.  Peter is a very likeable guy and pulls no punches.  Peter just solidified some of my own thoughts and any thoughtful person might benefit considering Peter’s words in our day and time.  You can find him here:  AND HERE: AND HERE:  and on YouTube: and 14 million views on this channel.


Last but not least, Stefan Molyneux, philosopher, athiest (he shares this in passing but Christians and other beliefs have nothing to fear, you will like him) and Libertarian.  To me he is quite a speaker and what he shares next with you will make you think, and think, and think again.  Folks Stefan sees a SHTF scenario and isn’t afraid to share it and I thank him for that.  Carve out an hour of time or six ten minutes of time but watch this video before the Sun circles the Earth another time, it’s that important:   THE END OF AMERICA:   There Will be No Economic Recovery:  Prepare Accordingly.  His channel with 1100 videos has over 14 million views.

Be Prepared or Else!