Inspiration  Free Online E-Novel by Maineprepper, As the Walls Come Tumbling Down, as read by the author G. E. Lawrence.  Visit also his YouTube Channel, there you can find great prepping info from this veteran soldier due to be retiring in just the next few months.  Have a listen.  Cabin People.  Billy is a local fellow I met just months ago.  A do it yourselfer and a Christian too.  What flavor you ask?  He’s a musical Christian, he’s married, loves Jesus, and built a real cabin with his own hands.  Watch this nice and inspiring vid.  bd  JFK – A Few words about Secret Societies.  This speech could easily be the one that got him killed.  Don’t dwell on that, dwell on his words and listen closely for that last, powerful, sentence.  Prepper Terminology Short List by Prepper Chick, enjoy the music too….

rooster  Why the Gun is Civilization by Marko Kloos, falsely attributed on the internet to Major Caudill, USMC Retired.  Thoughts from a Prepper!  Nick Vujicic has no arms and no legs, No problem! he says.  Click and watch Nick.

Be Prepared… or else!

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